The Business

Would you like to walk in the footsteps of Pierre-Paul Riquet by taking part in the preservation of his magnificent canal? The Patrons Business Club of the canal du Midi has already raised nearly €2 million to help Voies Navigables de France and local authorities with the extensive undertaking of replanting its banks. From small companies to large groups, we need everyone on board!




























Why a business club?





The canal du Midi Patrons Business Club is open to all, regardless of the size of the business and its sectors of activity.
Today, nearly 60 patrons are supporting the canal du Midi replanting project. There ara 5 levels of patronage, starting with an annual donation of €3,000 per year (actual cost after tax exemption: €1,200)

A big thank to everyone!
















"I want to give back a little bit of what my region has given to me,"
"My business can only succeed if the environment in which it operates is in good condition,"
"Being a patron of the project enables me to contribute to the influence of my region"

Voir plus

These are some of the things we often hear from committed business leaders.

80% of companies taking part in patronage do so at a regional level. The reason why so many choose to act locally is because they care about the region where they are located and are concerned about its development and the well-being of its inhabitants. Patronage enables them to support bodies of general interest that strive daily for the development of the common good. Through this collective participation, committed entrepreneurs have a key role to play and are helping the entire community.

The Patrons Business Club of the canal du Midi aims to unite all economic players who want to contribute to the preservation of the canal, an ecological, economical and iconic part of the Midi’s heritage.

The canal du Midi’s preservation project is just as monumental as its construction in the 17th century. At that time, his position as a tax collector and royal support enabled Pierre-Paul Riquet to finish his work, though not without difficulty.

The replanting program will require more than €200 million to be raised over 20 years. Having the government’s full backing is not enough to restore the canal du Midi’s scenic beauty; the economic fabric also needs to get involved.

That’s why, at the end of 2013, businesses from around the region decided to unite and make a real environmental difference as part of the sustainable development of their activities (CSR). The challenge comes in two parts: preserving the environment of one of the Occitanie region’s main tourism and economic assets and passing one of Europe’s oldest functioning canals on to future generations. The canal was classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

The businesses
supporting us

The canal du Midi Patrons Business Club is open to all, regardless of the size of the business and its sectors of activity.
Today, nearly 60 patrons are supporting the canal du Midi replanting project. There ara 5 levels of patronage, starting with an annual donation of €3,000 per year (actual cost after tax exemption: €1,200)

A big thank to everyone!

Friend level






Dynamique Environnement

Editions Privat



Le boat

Les bateaux du soleil

Les domaines Robert Vic

Les éléments Choeur de Chambre

M3 Systems


Marcel Travel Posters




Bronze level

3J Technologies



Caisse d’épargne Midi-Pyrénées


Eclisse Promotion-Groupe Procivis

Eos Wind- Parc du Cers

Les celliers Jean d’Alibert


Nailloux Outlet Village


Silver level


Fibre Excellence

Fibre Excellence

Laboratoire Pierre Fabre


LP Promotion

Mecano ID

Razel Bec

Gold level



Fondation Etrillard



Platinum level

Crédit Agricole Languedoc

Crédit Agricole Toulouse 31

Philip Frères

6 bonnes raisons de devenir mécène du canal du Midi


Enhance the visibility of your business and its regional presence by associating it with an iconic site in Occitanie

Depending on your level of membership, you will benefit from the media benefits associated with the promotion of the Canal du Midi replanting program:

  • Dedicated press relations (conferences, press releases, etc.),
  • Communication with the general public













Contribute to your business’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) and make the societal issues of tomorrow your commitment today

My business can only succeed if the environment in which it operates is in good condition













Join a network of dedicated decision-makers while sharing your interests with representatives of governmental and local authorities

You will benefit from exclusive exchanges with Voies Navigables de France and its partners: ministries, local authorities, professional federations of the tourist and river industries, major donors, etc.













Unite your employees around a socially and environmentally responsible project

Give your employees a sense of belonging

  •  You will be able to communicate internally about the impact of your support (regional presence and issues concerning the environment and heritage),
  • Depending on your level of membership, you will benefit from exclusive access to some iconic locations along the canal for private events.













Benefit from original rewards corresponding to the amount of your donation

Make your patronage visible and take part in original and inclusive events along the Canal du Midi in the presence of corporate players.













You will also benefit from an attractive tax deduction

Voies Navigables de France is a public establishment under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport and is entitled to receive donations from natural and juridical persons,
• You can deduct 60% of your donation from your business tax, up to a maximum of 0.5% of your turnover,
• As part of the legal framework of patronage taxation, you will also benefit from rewards with a value of up to 20% of the amount of your donation.
For example: an annual “bronze” membership of €5,000 is eligible for a tax reduction of €3,000 and ultimately amounts to €2,000.












Your support can be adjusted and tailored to your needs

Contact Julie Birs for more information.

Julie Birs
Head of the Canal du Midi Patrons Business Club
Tel. +33 5 61 36 24 96
Mobile : +33 7 64 56 31 42
Email :

Mission Mécénat, Voies navigables de France
2, Port Saint-Étienne
31 073 TOULOUSE Cedex 7












Let's work together
Join the canal du Midi Patrons Business Club

Les actualités
du Club des Entreprises